Neurologic Disease
Signs of neurologic disease in horses can be subtle or devastatingly obvious. These conditions can produce a subtle lameness or a down horse with seizures and everything in between. Signs of neurologic disease include behavior change, difficulty eating, tripping, stumbling, incoordination, and much more. Potential neurologic conditions should be evaluated as soon as they are noticed, as these conditions may progress rapidly.
The most common neurologic disease in the Southern Pines area of North Carolina is Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis (EPM). This disease can manifest in every range of clinical signs and can be difficult to diagnose. Other common neurologic diseases include viral encephalitis (EEE, WEE and West Nile Virus), bacterial meningitis, "wobblers" syndrome, cervical vertebral arthritis, tumors, trauma, polyneuritis equi, temporohyoid osteoarthropathy and much more.